




Hosted in 2019, PS Scarborough: InstaChallenge was a photographic mini-series and contest for youth ages 16-25. During the run of the course, youth explored different spaces and places in their various neighbourhoods that captured their community stories through photographs and the instantaneous way in which we are able to capture and share these fleeting moments.

During this weekly scavenger hunt, participants built their photo skills, portfolio and won weekly cool prizes which included a digital frames, instant cameras, and gift cards! Congratulations to our participants and winners!

Want to see more? Check out our Instagram for a photo play-by-play!



Throughout 2020 and 2021, PS Scarborough: Photo Story Scarborough welcomed a new intergenerational cohort of photographers who explored the uniqueness, diversity and stories of Scarborough behind and beyond the lens. The weekly workshops were offered over Zoom and provided activities and assignments which provided creative challenges in techniques and challenges each week to the participants.

Throughout the program, participants received health and wellness kits and concluded in the publication of the first-ever PS Scarborough book - a beautiful and professionally bound photo compilation of the participants’ creative endeavours.

Check out all of the talented photographers in our PS Scarborough e-book!

ps scarborough: b-side scarborough

In the winter of 2021 and spring 2022, youth aspiring photographers braved the cold for weekly activities and challenges to heighten their creativity through photographs. During this time, each member of the group were challenged to uncover Scarborough’s “b-side” - who, what and where made Scarborough what it was.

Check out this newest edition to our PS Scarborough line up, which offers a host of new faces and some friendly familiar ones! The publication is now live on Issuu. Books are available for sale though copies are extremely limited.

Photo credit: Day to Night, Jeneni Jude, PS Scarborough: B-Side Scarborough, 2022